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Inteha Novel By Malisha Rana

Inteha Novel By Malisha Rana Free Download & Read Online

June 13, 20233 minute read

Inteha Novel By Malisha Rana consists of a very interesting and popular story that explains the young Oppressed boy. This social novel takes us along with the social problems on the path of love and also shows us how our society falls into the mill of oppression.

Little About This Novel (انتہا):

In this novel, there is really an end to cruelty. Because a young boy, Farhad, has seen his life take a serious turn when the mother who gave birth to him dies, Farhad’s father needs to marry another wife and Farhad faced more hurdles. But Farhad’s father marrying his second wife was not a very profitable deal. Because his mother does not love this boy. On the other hand, there was a girl named Anisha in the family of a boy named Farhad. And Farhad loved Anisha very much but Anisha did not know this. After the death of his mother, another blow came to the boy when he felt that when Anisha left Pakistan and went abroad, now this boy was completely alone.

After many difficulties in his life, Farhad’s heart beat faster when this girl Anisha came back to Pakistan from abroad after 10 Years. This boy was quite happy to see her, but by that time Anisha’s behavior, speaking, eating, and drinking had changed a lot. And by that time it was very difficult for this boy to prove that he truly loves Anisha. Inteha Novel By Malisha Rana is an amazing and excellent story with a very strong moral to know Complete the below links to read and download the novel in pdf online.

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About This Novelist/Writer (ملیشا رانا):

Every novel reader likes to read different kinds of novels. That is why the best novelist for those who are fond of reading social and informative novels is Malisha Rana. Malisha Rana has emerged as a reliable novelist in Pakistan after completing her education. According to the data of 2023, Malisha Rana is neither a very old nor a very new novelist. Rather, Malisha agreed to write some time ago. Her earlier life was also full of problems when (ملیشا رانا) did consider writing as a career. Because they did not have any such platform where they could publish their skills and succeed in getting people to recognize them.

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